Saturday, July 30, 2005 A book I picked up in the library yesterday, while waiting for training to start. To be honest, it wasn't the title that caught my eye. It was the color of the cover. Just all black, white and grey. And a blurry picture of a little boy looking utterly lost. I think the boy turned out to be mentally challenged. I'm not absolutely certain, because I didn't get through much of the book. Didn't like the way it was written - a narration from the father's point of view. Still, like Yee Han (she insists her name be spelt that way) says, I have an obsession with quotes. And here are a couple. That I will probably forget, if I don't get them down in "ink" soon. The answer is simple: it is just low-life, some coldness in us all, some helplessness that causes us to misunderstand life when it is pure and plain, makes our existence seem like a border between two nothings, and makes us no more or less than animals who meet on the road - watchful, unforgiving, without patience or desire. Great Falls, Richard Ford For as powerful and encompassing as love is, during brief moments, it turns fragile, needing desperately to be protected. The second quote was from the narrator, in reference to his ex-wife. She left. The weekend is here, and I intend to finish all my work for next week. Including that essay for Hunter, and reading Othello. I haven't read it in what, a whole month now? Definitely time to start. Act Four is horribly crude though. Not sure if I'll be having a good laugh or feeling totally disgusted. AnRu reminisced at 9:33:00 AM.
Thursday, July 28, 2005 I'm hopelessly in love with apples. Oooh...apples!! Haha. I've had two and I want more. I think the only thing I miss, in my mom's absence, is the apples that she buys. How filial of me. Physical Fitness Test in approximately two weeks. And well, to say the least, I am not fit. I'm aching everywhere from today's PE. And we didn't even do much. Just the five items. All of which I passed, but only marginally. Except for situps and pullups, for some strange reason. (I want another apple.) After much consideration, I've decided to stick with PW. Yes, I have. Don't die of shock just yet, though. Let me explain my rationale. Perhaps most importantly, I don't want to watch my group die horribly. I may not know them well, and I may not like all of them, but I don't want to know that I might have indirectly caused them to do badly in an A level subject either. Though Veera assures me that it is his responsibility to make sure they make a good pass, with or without my help. He says I can make a personal decision without considering them, and that he'd support it. Still, since I've already invested 124 huge bucks in this worthless cause, I might as well learn something from it. If not any of the government objectives, then at least the sacrificing of one's own benefit for the larger common good. Something I'd do well to learn, in any case. So yes, I'm stuck with PW. For all I know, my brother might need the money for himself. Either for university or poly or possibly both. Though he's in the supposedly fool-proof HCI integrated programme. Oh well, what can I say. Genes can only do so much in determining someone's latter day intelligence. Don't get me wrong though. He is really a rather brilliant little kid. I'm still periodically amazed at what I never knew he was capable of. Still, being the elder sister to a brother is tough. And being the middle child is tougher yet. Kudos to all the middle children out there. Haha. We rule, eh? "If your spirit's broken and you can't bear the pain, I will help you put the pieces back, bit by bit, each and every day. If your heart is locked and you can't find the key, Lay your head upon my shoulder, I'll set you free. I'll be your security." - Security, Joss Stone Still going through all my ups and downs. Kit Lu pointed out a new retainee today. And I guess, for some reason, that makes me feel slightly better about myself. She's got potential to become more messed up than me. Much more. On another note, I really am pretty proud of my aptitude for Econs, especially. Well actually, if I may say so myself, I really am quite smart. I have this amazing ability to figure out problems all by myself. Either due to this stubborn inflexibility that keeps me banging my head on the wall till I solve a question, or because of an inherent confidence that tells me the answer's just there, in front of me, and all I have to do, is look in the right direction. Pretty long sentence, that. Well, the point is, I amaze myself. And I don't particularly care what anyone says at this time. People like to call me retarded and spastic and crazy. Those with a special liking for euphemisms call me cute. But at the end of the day, no one really believes I can do all that I claim to be capable of. And sometimes it just doesn't fit my agenda to go about proving myself to every insignificant soul that comes along. Though I figure that the least I could do, is prove it to myself. I occasionally wonder if all this egoism and hubris is really just a misguided attempt in trying to cover up my incompetence. The weekend's coming again. Which means that another week of the nine precious weeks I have left, has just passed by, out the window. I know I'm supposed to sit myself down for some serious studying, but I just have so much else to do. Anyway, given the math remedials that I have to start attending, my results can't get that horrid. Can it? Though there are still three other subjects to worry over. Econs is alright. "Something everyone knows, in a language that no one understands" makes a surprising amount of sense to me. All I need, are my notes, an empty, air-conditioned room, and a pen or two. And I'd have it all figured out. Lit is slightly more tricky. To date, I have two books to catch up on. Two books, that I can never find the time to read. Othello is proving my previous judgements wrong, and turning out to be a rather good play. Think Hunter's a better tutor than Lofthouse. Not because he's more dramatic, though that certainly helps, but because he just seems more into the play. He thinks as he teaches, which makes for quite a lot of stumbling over sentences and incoherent speech. But the main ideas get through, and his thought processes are obvious. More interesting to me, though I'm sure a lot of people don't understand him. Chinese is a near to hopeless cause. I like it enough, to want and be able to pass it, but not enough to ace it. What a dilemma. There are so many people better suited to do the subject, so why am I doing it instead? It's all wrong. Sigh. So. What should I do now? AnRu reminisced at 6:48:00 PM.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005 Pretty gloomy a layout, isn't it. But it's not meant to be depressing. It's just..a beautiful picture. I've always wanted to have a picture that could capture so much. Much more than the typical, everyday fare you get on postcards and greeting cards. Pity people generally end up spoiling pictures, instead of making them that much more..I don't know what word to use. Meaningful? Besides, the layout's basically all black, white and grey. There exists no better color scheme. So there. A few changes to this new blog. No more senseless posts. At least, I'll try to stop posting nonsense just because I have nothing better to do. I'm going to blog in proper English. Complete with capitals, punctuation, grammatically correct sentences, and perfect spelling. Yay. This is prompted by my abysmal GP marks, in case anyone's been wondering. Haha. Kit Lu's favorite word, that. "Abysmal". Alright. To explain this sudden jump over to blogspot. Been meaning to make the switch for quite some time, actually. Since last year, if I remember correctly. Just never had the mood to figure out the workings of blogspot. So I was telling Beryl today that I've wanted to change my blog for some time, and I realised that there's probably no better time. I felt like getting a new layout. Which would have required spending time tweaking the HTML code. So I thought I might as well invest a little bit more time and effort, make a blog I like. Never really understood the other layout. Just felt right, at the time. Drowning, you know. So...Here I am! Like blogspot better than diaryland already, anyway. Like the entry box better, because it's much wider and allows me to change my font as and when I feel like it. So all's well. Went to see Mr Fun last week. Can't say he's been terribly helpful, but sometimes you just need someone to listen and give you intelligent feedback. He gave me a bowling pin for encouragement, and a book for inspiration. Well he didn't give me the book, he lent it to me. Wants it back after I'm done reading it. The Diving-Bell and The Butterfly. Autobiographical in nature. Two sentences interest me thus far. I at once placed myself under the protection of this brotherly symbol, guardian not just of sailors but of the sick - those castaways on the shores of loneliness. 'Are you there, Jean - Do?' she asks anxiously over the air. And I have to admit that at times I do not know any more. Shall not bother trying to explain their respective significance. Guess you could take it as a record, just a record. Promotional Exams in approximately nine weeks. I've just signed myself up for a competition that's going to take place a week before they begin. I'm not really worried about failing, but...I'm not sure. Not much confidence, but too much ambition at the same time, possibly. Results in total confusion. Talked to my mom one fine day too. Think two days ago. She's going to Indonesia for about a year, in pursuit of her career. After listening to me, she's promised to try her best to send me overseas. Which effectively frees me from the evil clutches of PW. But first, I need to consider all possibilities. Just in case she realises that she has to reserve the money for the other brother instead, and I get stuck with bloody NUS. I have so many things to consider right now. Whether I should drop a subject like everyone else, whether I should even try for an 'S' paper, whether I should give up on PW altogether. Oh my God. I don't know what to do with my life. Mine. Mine. AnRu reminisced at 12:51:00 AM.
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